The 77 hour classroom ground school and additional one-on-one ground instruction includes in–depth training and testing on the following subjects:
- Aerodynamics
- Aircraft Systems
- Aircraft Preventive Maintenance
- Aircraft Analog Instrument Panels
- Aircraft Glass Cockpit Instrument Panels – Avidyne and Garmin
- Crew Resource Management (CRM) / Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM)
- The National Airspace System and Aeronautical Charts
- Federal Aviation Regulations
- Flight Publications and Internet Information Resources
- Aircraft Weight and Balance Analysis and Computations
- Aircraft Performance Analysis and Computations
- Pilot Flight Physiology – Aeromedical Factors
- Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) / Good Judgment Applications / Risk Management
- Flight Scenarios and Procedures – including situational awareness
- Night Operations
- E6B Flight Computer Procedures
- Cross Country Planning and Flight Procedures
- Pilotage and Dead – Reckoning Navigation
- Radio Navigation – VOR, NDB, LOC, DME, ATC, GPS, ADS-B, iPad Applications
- Normal and Emergency Flight Procedures
- Normal and Maximum Performance Take Off and Landing Procedures
- Ground Reference Maneuver Analysis
- Wind Compensation Procedures
- Stall / Spin Analysis
- Fatal Aircraft Accident Reports Analysis
- Accident Prevention
- Weather Theory
- Weather Reports and Charts
- Weather Information Sources and Their Use
- Weather Analysis and Decision Making
- In-flight Hazardous Weather Recognition and Avoidance
- Traffic Awareness and Avoidance
- Taxiway and Runway Incursion Avoidance
- Basic Instrument Flight Procedures
- Critical Attitude Recovery Procedures
- Airport Signage, Markings, Lighting and Wind Indicators
- Airport Ground and Flight Procedures
- Air Traffic Control Radio Communications Procedures
- Noise Abatement Procedures
- Wake Turbulence Avoidance
- Passenger Briefings and Supervision
- Mountain Flying Precautions and Procedures
- Overwater Flight Operations
- Survival Equipment
- Knowledge Test Preparation and Practice Tests
American Air Private Pilot Flight Training Curriculum
At least 15 hours of solo flight and typically over 100 hours of flight with an instructor are provided in our airplanes and simulator, along with thorough preflight and post flight briefings on the following procedures:
- Aircraft Preflight Inspection
- Aviation Weather Briefings – Ground and Flight
- Aircraft Parking and Securing
- Engine Starting Procedures – Hot, Cold, Flooded, External Power and Hand Propping
- Radio Communications
- Aircraft Systems and Equipment Operations
- Four Fundamentals – Straight and Level, Climbs, Turns and Descents
- Systems and Equipment Simulated Malfunctions
- Emergency Flight Scenarios
- Taxi Procedures
- Wind Compensation – Taxi, Takeoff, Landing, Tracking, Maneuvers
- Noise Abatement
- Normal and Max Performance Takeoffs and Landings
- No Flap Landings
- Rejected Landings
- Airspeed Changes – Straight and Level and In Turns
- Slow Flight Maneuvers, Including Full Control Deflection Demonstration
- Stall Avoidance, Recognition and Recovery – 21 Different Stall Demonstration Types
- Spin Avoidance, Recognition and Recovery – Conducted In Our Super Decathlon Aerobatic Airplane
- Steep Turns
- Slips and Skids
- Basic Instrument Flight
- Critical Attitude Recovery
- Wake Turbulence Avoidance
- Traffic Avoidance – Surveillance, ATC Assistance and Evasive Maneuvers
- Hazardous Weather Avoidance
- Power Settings and Power Management
- Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations – Controlled and Uncontrolled Fields
- Aeronautical Decision Making and Crew Resource Management Practice
- Planning Cross Country Flights
- Cross Country Flight Procedures – At Least 2 Dual and 3 Solo Cross Country Trips
- Cross Country Emergencies – Divert to Alternate, Lost Procedures
- Actual Grass Short Field Runway Takeoff and Landing Experience
- Flight In and Out of Actual Busy Airports with Airline Service
- Ground Reference Maneuvers
- Turns To Headings Using the Magnetic Compass
- Aircraft Servicing
- Actual Passenger – Giving Briefing and Supervising During Flight with Distractions
- Restricted Airspace Avoidance Scenarios
- Flight in Actual Instrument Weather and in Rain
- Actual Flight at Higher Altitudes
- Night Flights
- Simulated Emergencies at Night
- Actual Flight over Mountainous Terrain
- Situational Awareness Scenerios
- Simulated FAA Checkride Test – Conducted By Steve Shaner (Former FAA Examiner for Over 32 Years)