Call Today (770) 455-4203
Setting the Highest Standard in Flight Training


Hourly Rates for Simulator and Airplane Rental* Walk-In*
2022 Piper Archer LX
Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpit, GFC 700 autopilot with automatic recovery to level flight, air conditioning, ADS-B in/out with traffic, Flight Stream WiFi to your tablet, weather and navigation chart displays, G-5 standby instruments, USB outlets, iPad with ForeFlight app program, Bose A20 headset.
Elite PI-135 Pro Panel III Professional BATD Flight Simulator
FAA Approved, Single Engine or Multiengine – including King Air B200 configuration, Baron 58, GTN 650, GTN 750, GNS 430 WAAS and GNS530 WAAS, Analog, EFIS or G500 Glass, WiFi for iPad providing full ForeFlight, Flight Stream and Stratus II display information – Please see our aircraft and simulator page.
Glass Cockpit Ramp Power Box
Using our Piper Archer LX Airplane for Glass Cockpit Simulator training

*The airplane rental rate covers the cost of fuel as well (wet rate). When you purchase fuel at another airport on a trip, we will subtract that fuel cost in full from your rental invoice, even if it is at a higher price than what we pay for fuel at our base airport. An 8% Georgia state sales tax applies to all equipment rentals. Some other flight schools have surcharges for fuel price changes, consumables and other costs in their fine print added to the airplane rental rate they post.. American Air has no additional charges above the rates we post for rental, tax, instruction and training materials.

High-Definition audio/video recordings of some of your flight lessons are provided at no additional cost.

Hourly Rates for Professional One-On-One Ground and Flight Instruction
Professional Ground and Flight Instruction $235.00

All instruction is given by Steve Shaner – Former FAA-Designated Pilot Examiner. Airline Transport Pilot, CFI, CFII, CFI Multiengine, Aerobatic and Tailwheel Pilot Instructor, over 55 years and 10,000 hours pilot experience and over 49 years as a full-time Flight Instructor. Numerous custom training handouts will be provided to you in your training at no cost.

Introductory Flight Lesson – In our 2022 Piper Archer LX airplane, a full 1 hour in the airplane plus 3 to 3.5 hours of ground training: total cost including tax: $1400.00. A full normal flight lesson typically costs around $1900 – $2100.

Classroom Ground School (Does not include flight training hours or cost)
Private Pilot Ground Course (120 hours @ $235/hour one-on-one) $28,200.00 + books and materials
Instrument Pilot Ground Course (120 hours @ $235/hour one-on-one) $28,200.00 + books and materials
Commercial Pilot Ground Course (100 hours @$235/hour one-on-one)
$23,500.00 + books and materials

Hourly Rental Rates – Pilot Accessories
Bose A20 Headsets, Appario Stratus 3 ADS-B receiver $12.00/hour (free with aircraft rental)

The rates shown here are significantly higher than most schools in the U.S.A. This reflects your investment in flying an airplane that is relatively new and equipped with state-of-the art electronics and maintained to an exceptionally high standard and receiving exceptionally high quality training and customer service. The higher cost of training and aircraft rental with us provides you and your passengers with the highest level of safety available. Total course costs can vary by several thousand dollars from one student to another, depending on the course, the total hours a student needs to meet the standards, the weather and the frequency of attendance. For solo airplane rental, pilots are required to have aircraft renter’s insurance ($250,000 liability with $40,000/passenger and $1,000 medical expense including crew, plus $40,000 non-owned hull damage each occurrence). After an initial phone conversation with Steve Shaner, if the program and investment of time and financial cost sounds like a good match for you and your goals, you are welcome to come out and see the aircraft, simulator and training materials we use and meet with Steve by appointment at no cost or obligation. Thank you for your interest in American Air Flight Training, Inc.